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Massage Therapist Salary

Median Massage Therapist Salaries By Percentile
Percentile 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%
Hourly Wage $8.85 $12.10 $17.29 $24.73 $33.72
Annual Wage $18,420 $25,180 $35,970 $51,430 $70,140

How much does a massage therapist make? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (, the median massage therapy salary is $35,970. This is around $10,000 more than the annual earnings of the average worker in other healthcare support occupations. Among massage therapists, earnings vary according to factors such as geographical location, length of employment, and, if in private practice, how many appointments the therapist books.
Only a quarter of massage therapists work full-time in the field; earnings tend to be higher for these therapists than the majority who work part-time. The top 10 percent of earners take in over $70,000, while those within the lowest 10 percent took in less than $19,000 annually. Massage therapists who work in specialty hospitals and dentist’s offices, and as massage instructors at junior colleges, earn the highest hourly wages in the industry.
Alaska, with an annual average wage of around $84,000, is the top-paying state for a massage therapist to work. Vermont, Rhode Island, Washington, and Delaware, all with average salaries ranging from $50,000 to $58,000, round out the top five top-paying states for this field. A breakdown of the full process of becoming a Massage therapist can be found here.

Top Paying Industries

Industry Employment % of industry employment Hourly mean wage Annual mean salary
Other Ambulatory Health Care $28.92 $60,150
Nursing Care Facilities 90 0.01 $27.31 $56,790
Technical and Trade Schools 110 0.07 $24.55 $51,060
Physicians’ Offices 1,610 0.07 $24.29 $50,520
Specialty Hospitals 50 0.02 $24.22 $50,380

Top Paying States

State Hourly mean Wage Annual mean salary # Employed Employment/1000 jobs
Alaska $40.44 $84,120 290 0.93
Vermont $27.91 $58,050 210 0.71
Rhode Island $26.29 $54,680 200 0.45
Washington $25.85 $53,760 3,580 1.30
Delaware $24.78 $51,540 50 0.13

Salary By State

State 10% 25% Median 75% 90% Jobs (2010) Jobs (2020) Outlook
Alabama $17,600 $20,600 $27,000 $35,800 $45,200 760 860 +14%
Alaska $42,300 $72,600 $89,300 $105,900 $115,300 310 400 +31%
Arizona $18,400 $30,300 $34,500 $40,100 $61,300 3,740 4,270 +14%
Arkansas $17,900 $22,700 $28,900 $36,000 $44,400 980 1,110 +13%
California $18,100 $22,400 $33,900 $53,300 $71,800 24,100 27,500 +14%
Colorado $18,100 $22,400 $33,200 $45,900 $61,800 4,120 4,700 +14%
Connecticut $18,700 $28,700 $41,400 $64,600 $72,100 2,510 2,810 +12%
Delaware $30,000 $33,800 $48,800 $59,500 $87,700 190 250 +34%
District of Columbia $18,700 $24,100 $30,500 $41,000 $57,000
Florida $18,500 $27,500 $35,400 $44,300 $59,600 13,350 15,570 +17%
Georgia $20,700 $28,500 $41,700 $54,600 $65,700 2,940 3,680 +25%
Hawaii $17,400 $21,300 $33,500 $48,000 $83,000 1,890 2,200 +16%
Idaho $17,700 $26,500 $38,400 $67,300 $87,100 510 630 +22%
Illinois $18,800 $22,300 $32,200 $43,600 $54,500 4,600 5,490 +19%
Iowa $16,400 $18,200 $30,500 $38,900 $53,800 810 980 +22%
Kansas $18,200 $24,300 $35,400 $42,600 $47,400 900 1,020 +13%
Kentucky $23,700 $29,900 $35,500 $50,400 $58,600 960 1,210 +26%
Louisiana $16,700 $19,000 $27,000 $34,600 $77,700 570 660 +15%
Maine $20,700 $31,100 $36,800 $54,000 $80,100 1,180 1,300 +10%
Maryland $19,500 $22,800 $38,600 $45,800 $71,800 3,470 3,990 +15%
Massachusetts $18,500 $26,900 $35,600 $53,400 $72,200 4,520 5,310 +18%
Michigan $17,400 $20,900 $32,600 $51,600 $63,100 2,720 3,270 +20%
Minnesota $19,000 $23,300 $36,300 $59,300 $70,200 3,430 4,300 +26%
Mississippi $17,200 $20,100 $23,600 $28,500 $34,500 230 240 +4%
Missouri $18,400 $21,700 $28,200 $35,100 $42,500 1,870 1,940 +4%
Montana $20,400 $23,900 $39,000 $48,000 $63,700 380 410 +6%
Nebraska $16,600 $18,200 $25,400 $33,600 $44,200 690 780 +13%
Nevada $16,100 $17,200 $19,100 $35,500 $63,700 2,540 2,940 +16%
New Hampshire $21,200 $26,900 $40,300 $57,500 $80,600 1,430 1,570 +10%
New Jersey $18,700 $28,700 $37,100 $47,700 $56,700 3,900 4,310 +11%
New Mexico $27,200 $32,800 $37,900 $62,300 $84,500 750 880 +17%
New York $21,200 $31,100 $46,300 $71,400 $88,900 4,470 5,430 +22%
North Carolina $24,800 $30,900 $40,400 $53,200 $62,600 5,450 6,410 +18%
North Dakota $24,600 $28,300 $36,300 $67,400 $87,000 270 280 +6%
Ohio $19,100 $23,800 $35,300 $52,200 $65,500 3,790 4,310 +14%
Oklahoma $16,500 $18,100 $31,400 $37,500 $43,800 540 630 +17%
Oregon $20,700 $31,700 $44,400 $67,500 $84,600 1,300 1,880 0%
Pennsylvania $17,300 $22,800 $36,200 $68,300 $88,200 2,540 2,890 +13%
Rhode Island $39,600 $42,800 $48,600 $68,100 $76,800
South Carolina $16,900 $19,400 $27,300 $35,000 $45,200 980 1,190 +22%
South Dakota $23,900 $28,600 $33,400 $37,200 $42,600 180 200 +16%
Tennessee $17,700 $22,800 $35,100 $48,300 $75,500
Texas $19,100 $28,700 $36,100 $44,600 $62,800 11,110 13,560 +22%
Utah $21,700 $26,600 $31,600 $38,000 $71,500 1,590 2,130 +34%
Vermont $27,700 $40,900 $61,300 $73,100 $86,900 1,110 1,240 +12%
Virginia $27,000 $35,300 $51,900 $60,000 $74,400 4,190 4,990 +19%
Washington $31,100 $37,900 $55,800 $68,400 $75,400 8,690 10,190 +17%
West Virginia $16,900 $19,200 $28,000 $39,900 $46,900 690 730 +6%
Wisconsin $17,700 $22,900 $33,700 $43,800 $54,500 3,240 3,650 +13%
Wyoming $19,600 $24,000 $41,200 $45,600 $61,900 130 150 +17%


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